Humanism and
Jai Prithvi Foundation
Humanism and Jai Prithvi Foundation is non-profitable organisation, established in Kathmandu Nepal
To give continuity to the 'Humanistic Club' established in 1928 at Bangalore by pioneer humanist Jai
Prithvi Bahadur Singh. Its mission is to promote Humanism.

Jai Prithvi Bahadur Singh of Nepal was an advocate and a preacher of world peace; a thinker and a philosopher of humanism. He was born on B.S. 1934 Bhadra 7 ( August 23, 1877) in Chainpur, Bajang as the eldest son of Bikram Bahadur Singh and Rudra Kumari Rana Singh (daughter of Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana), the fifty-fifth Raja of Bajang Colonel State.
(नेपालको बाईसी राज्य भित्र पर्ने बझाङ राज्यका ५५ औं पुस्ताका राजा बिक्रमवहादुर सिंह तथा रानी रुद्रकुमारी सिंह (तत्कालिन नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री जङ्गवहादुर राणाकी जेठी छोरी) का जेष्ठ सुपुत्र जयपृथ्वीवहादुर सिंहको जन्म १९३४ साल भाद्र ७ गते (२३ अगस्ट १८७७) नक्षेत्र २२ राशौ १० तिथौ १३ बारे ३ रात्रि लग्ने २ घडी ९ पला ३० चैनपुर पुरानो दरवारमा भएको थियो । )
Humanistic Club Member 1928 Bangalore India

Humanism and Jai Prithvi Foundation aim to create a new world where all the people work in a
humanistic spirit as common platform, irrespective of their caste, colour, creed and religion.
The general objective is to disseminate humanist thought among students, youths, women's and the
elderly to regenerate ethical values and deepen the roots of peace in human society